Thursday, June 25, 2015

NOT one of my brighter ideas.

Being cheap about cab fare.

There's a Kroger about half a mile from my apartment. Being unable to drive, I've been taking a cab each way to do my grocery shopping, usually around $5.00 each way (including a modest tip).

Tuesday, the 23rd, I went back to work for the first time in a month.  I go again tomorrow (Friday). I HAVE been walking some, in this cast-like boot, and using the bus again. But, it's still awkward and exhausting.

Today, I decided to walk to Kroger and just use the cab to get back with a load of groceries.

The STUPID part was going around 2:30 PM  in wonderful Houston summer weather, trying hard to not pass out because if I went down, not only would I need help in getting back up again, I'd be damned lucky if I didn't break something else in such a fall.

If I try that stunt again, I'll at least wait until later, when the sun has gone down.

I DO need to get better at walking, as it is all too possible I may not have anything to drive ever again (see "First blow ..." in Hat-trick:  ).  This situation just may KILL me financially.  The money is running out. I am grateful beyond words for the donations that have come in from friends, but as I mentioned in that post, I see no possibility of avoiding Chapter 7 in the near future.

So, I may be walking for the remainder of my life.

Christopher Lee

A couple of weeks ago, I updated "Of COURSE, they're naked!!!" ...  because of the sad news that one of my all time favorite actors had passed away, on 07 Jun 2015, at age 93.

As if the man wasn't already fascinating enough, I found this at ...

What more needs saying? :-)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Shower ...

... equals unfathomable luxury in my present situation.

For the first time in four weeks (since my accident of Sometimes, like just sucks ), I've been able to shower, instead of just sponge bathing. 

As with my broken arm accident of two years ago, deliberation in all things is the rule. If I sit in the tub, I have a Hell of a time getting back up, being weak in my arms and trying to brace myself against wet slippery surfaces. I prefer a shower while standing.  I DO have one of those Rubbermaid non-slip (with suction cups) mats for the bottom of my tub.

BUT, if I slip anyway, or lose balance from a spasm of pain by putting my foot down wrong, well, there might be a more dangerous place in my apartment for such an accident (considering the spigot, faucet handles and mixing valve at one end of a typical apartment bathtub), but I have great difficulty in conjuring it up.

So, this IS progress, of a sort.  I'm getting better at walking with that awkward boot (like walking on a cast), and may attempt a bus ride in a couple of days.

Tomorrow, I'll call Randalls to find out if I'm on next weeks schedule.

But, STILL a long way to go on recovery, including financial, so if you can help, I desperately need it and would be very grateful.

Paul Gordon
3433 West Dallas, # 1102
Houston, Texas 77019

(Or, you can use the Paul Gordon Medical donation button (PayPal) near the top left of the webpage, just below the main title picture.)

Thanks, in advance. :-)

Friday, June 12, 2015


Dear GOD, I so hate to beg.

But, this situation (being almost crippled and unable to work and draw paychecks) is literally DESTROYING me. I am running out of money.

Those with access to PayPal ( ) can donate to my email address of

I am so ashamed of asking for this, but my options are becoming desperate.

If you can help a bit, Thank you.

Paul Gordon
3433 W. Dallas, Apt. 1102
Houston, Texas 77019


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Where things stand ...

On Friday, 22 May 2015, I had my accident (referred to in Sometimes, life just sucks ).  I had badly sprained my right angle after slipping on a muddy sidewalk at a bus stop.

Sunday, 07 Jun 2015, I thought things had improved enough to go to a local clinic and hopefully get a doctor's note allowing me to return to work.

BUT, the nurse at that clinic was very disturbed by all the redness that still remained on my foot and lower leg.  Fearing a possible blood clot, she felt she couldn't issue such a note and recommended I go to Ben Taub emergency room for blood flow tests.

I took a cab there, arriving just before 6 PM, and was there until a bit after 2 AM before I was released.  It was almost 3 AM when I got back home.

They took all kinds of blood tests to make sure there was nothing toxic, and to make sure (by sonogram) that blood flow wasn't restricted by a clot. They took x-rays of the ankle and the tibula (one of two parallel bones in the lower leg) and found fractures on both the ankle AND the tibula.

They gave me a special boot they want me to wear until I go back for a follow-up on Monday, 15 Jun 2015.  Unfortunately, I cannot use it, as it is like walking on a cast. I almost had a bad fall right in the emergency room when I tried it (I suppose THAT would be the best place for it to happen, but there is no way I can afford a fall that might break something else.).

The only way I can use that boot would be to get a crutch. I'm going to see if someone here will give me a ride to a local CVS pharmacy that has one. I'm probably going to have to use that boot if I hope for that doctor's note from the orthopedic surgeon Monday morning.

I have GOT to be able to return to work and begin drawing paychecks again. Otherwise, this situation will finally FINISH me; it's really just as simple as that.

Will know more on Monday, but this is NOT good. :-(