- Yesterday (Tuesday, 06 NOV 2018) I had two appointments at the VA Eye Clinic.
To use Metrolift, one needs to make a reservation at least a day before. When I remembered (Monday) that I had NOT done so, it was already just past 5 PM, and the reservation office was closed.
Taxi fare would have been so expensive that I took a chance and used the regular buses (FREE with the special card I have because of my age and condition), hoping the new walker mentioned in my My NEWEST Toy ... post, would let me handle the bus stops (some of which had broken pavement) without injury.
It DID!!!
On my return trip, I switched to another bus which dropped me off at the polling station so I could vote (Normally, I would wade through all the different races, BUT; because of the recent behavior of a certain unmentionable party, STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN!!!).
I then walked several blocks over to the Kroger near my apartment for some groceries, only AFTERWARDS using a taxi to get home (just TOO MUCH of a load to carry that far).
Yesterday was more walking than I've done in MONTHS, and that walker made it POSSIBLE.
BUT, it DOESN'T prevent FATIGUE. Several times I felt about to COLLAPSE, even in my apartment afterwards. I was so tired when I hit the sack, I really wondered if I WOULD wake up the next morning.
I suppose I'm just gonna have to EASE into it.
This may all be academic; I'm STILL RUNNING OUT OF MONEY and find it NECESSARY to BEG for donations AGAIN. PLEASE!!!
I tell the folks at the VA about this; that the ONLY thing that could SAVE me in the long run is to become EMPLOYABLE. They nod and smile; but I can SEE they do NOT really comprehend.
How COULD they? This is BEYOND any experience THEY'VE ever had. HOW could running out of money KILL anyone in THIS country?
I hope they NEVER find out; I wouldn't wish THAT understanding on ANYONE. :(