On Friday, 22 May 2015, I had my accident (referred to in Sometimes, life just sucks ). I had badly sprained my right angle after slipping on a muddy sidewalk at a bus stop.
Sunday, 07 Jun 2015, I thought things had improved enough to go to a local clinic and hopefully get a doctor's note allowing me to return to work.
BUT, the nurse at that clinic was very disturbed by all the redness that still remained on my foot and lower leg. Fearing a possible blood clot, she felt she couldn't issue such a note and recommended I go to Ben Taub emergency room for blood flow tests.
I took a cab there, arriving just before 6 PM, and was there until a bit after 2 AM before I was released. It was almost 3 AM when I got back home.
They took all kinds of blood tests to make sure there was nothing toxic, and to make sure (by sonogram) that blood flow wasn't restricted by a clot. They took x-rays of the ankle and the tibula (one of two parallel bones in the lower leg) and found fractures on both the ankle AND the tibula.
They gave me a special boot they want me to wear until I go back for a follow-up on Monday, 15 Jun 2015. Unfortunately, I cannot use it, as it is like walking on a cast. I almost had a bad fall right in the emergency room when I tried it (I suppose THAT would be the best place for it to happen, but there is no way I can afford a fall that might break something else.).
The only way I can use that boot would be to get a crutch. I'm going to see if someone here will give me a ride to a local CVS pharmacy that has one. I'm probably going to have to use that boot if I hope for that doctor's note from the orthopedic surgeon Monday morning.
I have GOT to be able to return to work and begin drawing paychecks again. Otherwise, this situation will finally FINISH me; it's really just as simple as that.
Will know more on Monday, but this is NOT good. :-(
NOSFERATU - Succumb to the Darkness
2 weeks ago
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